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ProgressBar riutilizzabile alleggerita

9 Settembre 2011

in riferimento alla vecchia versione, ho snellito il codice, sempre utilizzando un ProgressDialog:

ProgressDialog sample for progress bar generating.
wx.ProgressDialog(title, message, maximum, parent, style)

style type:
wx.PD_APP_MODAL - the progress dialog will block all user events
wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE - The progress dialog will automatically hide itself
                  when it reaches its maximum value.
wx.PD_CAN_ABORT - Puts a Cancel button on box for stop the process.
wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME - Displays the elapsed time
wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME - Displays an estimate of the total time to complete
                       the process.
wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME - Displays the amount of time remaining in a process,
                       estimated time - elapsed time.

import wx

class ProgressBar(wx.ProgressDialog):
    '''Progress Bar class'''
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.count = 0
        wx.ProgressDialog.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.pmax = kwargs['maximum']
    def update_bar(self):
        '''update the progress bar'''
        while self.count < self.pmax:
            self.count += 1
def main():
    '''app starter'''
    app = wx.PySimpleApp()
    max_item = 50 # range or total numer of lines in a file or....
    pbar = ProgressBar(title = "progress...", message = "Time remaining",
                       maximum = max_item, parent = None, 
                       style = wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE | wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME |
if __name__ == "__main__":

max_item è ovviamente il parametro che indica la lunghezza massima della progress bar. Se per esempio stessimo parsando un file di testo, max_item sarebbe il numero di righe del file…

Categorie:python, wxpython, wxPython Tag:
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