Home > Project Euler, python > Project Euler #60

Project Euler #60

3 Gennaio 2013
The primes 3, 7, 109, and 673, are quite remarkable.
By taking any two primes and concatenating them in any order
the result will always be prime.
For example, taking 7 and 109, both 7109 and 1097 are prime.
The sum of these four primes, 792, represents the lowest sum
for a set of four primes with this property.

Find the lowest sum for a set of five primes for which any
two primes concatenate to produce another prime.


import time
import itertools as it

ts = time.time()

def is_prime(num):
    if num <= 1: return False
    elif num == 2: return True
    elif num % 2 == 0: return False
        d = 3
        r = int(num**0.5)
        while d <= r:
            if num % d == 0: return False
            d += 2
        return True

def conc_primes(n, m):
    return is_prime(int(str(n) + str(m))) and is_prime(int(str(m) + str(n)))

def prime_pairs(iterable):
    for n, m in it.combinations(iterable, 2):
        if not conc_primes(n, m): return False
    return True

primes = [n for n in xrange(3,10000,2) if is_prime(n)] + [2]

def get_five():
    for n in primes:
        for m in primes[primes.index(n):]:
            if conc_primes(n ,m):
                for x in primes[primes.index(m):]:
                    if prime_pairs([x, n, m]):
                        for y in primes[primes.index(x):]:
                            if prime_pairs([y, x, n, m]):
                                for z in primes[primes.index(y):]:
                                    if prime_pairs([z, y, x, n, m]):
                                        return sum([z, y, x, n, m])

res = get_five() 
print "euler 60: {}\nelapsed time: {}sec".format(res, time.time() - ts)
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